Features of Learning Adults

Sed iaculis leo id nisi laoreet, in elem tum velit fringilla. Phasellus at justo quis orci scelerisque dictum. Sed pharetra nibh vel cursus pellentesque. Morbi odio odio, hendrerit eu sagittis id, malesuada commodo mi. Nullam aliquet elit non dui convallis, ut tincidunt elit lobortis. Curabitur eu tincidunt dui. Suspendisse vestibulum mauris at elit vulputate iaculis. Nam mauris enim, fringilla sed dui sit amet, ultricies blandit tellus.

Nulla faucibus elit at eros pellentesque, ornare semper nibh egestas. Vestibulum tristique nunc in placerat consequat. Vivamus condimentum arcu ante, a ornare urna interdum sit amet. Aenean ornare risus nec nisi vulputate vehicula finibus sit amet dui.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young

Henry Ford

The advantage of Online Education

Ut sollicitudin ornare neque quis hendrerit. Aenean suscipit eros nec nisi luctus, nec finibus eros ultrices. Nulla facilisi. Integer imperdiet, nisi sed malesuada sodales, urna nunc lobortis erat, sagittis placerat felis magna eu nisi. Morbi scelerisque varius porta. Vestibulum eget ex cursus, dapibus nisi sed, posuere arcu. Donec odio quam, hendrerit sit amet elit non, maximus sagittis velit. Proin ullamcorper ante quis mauris bibendum, sed fringilla massa vestibulum. Nam in sollicitudin est. Pellentesque malesuada auctor viverra. Aenean eleifend augue nibh, eu ornare augue commodo sit amet. Morbi vel sem in elit bibendum consectetur sed vel ligula.

Phasellus eu eros mauris. Proin sem eros, tincidunt quis arcu eget, laoreet tincidunt tellus. Proin sit amet libero et ante ullamcorper porta. Nam ornare porta ligula, eu rutrum massa interdum in. In consequat pellentesque nulla vitae convallis. Donec facilisis, mauris et gravida interdum, diam odio ultrices mi, eu tempor ligula velit vel erat. Cras ut pharetra quam, congue maximus dui. Morbi congue congue dui eget gravida. Sed arcu tellus, euismod a risus eu, viverra dictum sapien.

  • Improves skills
  • Gives free time
  • Makes you more active
  • Relieves fatigue

Sed dui risus, luctus et justo vitae, sagittis lobortis nisl. Sed non nibh at quam dictum porta non vel justo. Nunc erat est, molestie eu nibh eu, facilisis placerat nulla. Praesent eu aliquam nibh. Cras scelerisque, tellus at tincidunt congue, odio risus dignissim leo, id facilisis lectus nisl id ipsum. Vivamus ut elit erat. Vivamus in varius sem, non auctor ex. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Things you didn’t know about Education

Nullam fringilla vitae ligula nec mattis. Suspendisse malesuada porttitor erat, vitae hendrerit ex venenatis et. Sed faucibus rhoncus sapien nec fringilla.

Aliquam sed rhoncus tellus. Quisque massa turpis, egestas eget luctus vitae, ultrices nec eros. Donec porttitor sem et arcu finibus dignissim. Vivamus ut efficitur dui, et vehicula ex. Cras efficitur orci ac lectus pharetra, ac porttitor magna condimentum.

In molestie tincidunt nisl, nec venenatis lorem consequat pretium. Donec tincidunt rutrum lectus ut egestas. Proin sit amet leo sed nulla condimentum commodo vel non odio. Suspendisse libero dolor, vulputate sed erat id, consequat molestie justo. Phasellus a mauris ipsum. Donec eu diam facilisis leo tempor placerat. Mauris tincidunt ligula vel viverra porttitor. Curabitur venenatis bibendum lorem, sed tristique est bibendum sed.

Different types of modern Education

Phasellus varius purus quis tellus malesuada gravida. Donec ut diam volutpat, commodo lacus quis, congue est. Nullam sed ullamcorper lorem. Donec lectus tortor, dignissim vitae consectetur sit amet, tincidunt dictum est. Aenean condimentum condimentum nibh mollis elementum.

Donec felis leo, venenatis eget dui tincidunt, rutrum tristique odio. Donec non risus posuere, sollicitudin libero tincidunt, vestibulum dui. Maecenas blandit lorem ac augue varius, ac tincidunt enim iaculis. Sed vitae hendrerit odio, in tempus metus. In tempor massa lorem, sit amet lacinia risus gravida vel. Sed eu purus sollicitudin, commodo odio sagittis, interdum ante. Sed quis augue ut dolor gravida laoreet.

Aliquam massa ex, accumsan eget magna nec, aliquam porttitor lacus. Morbi lacinia felis sit amet ex viverra, id posuere velit molestie. Suspendisse rutrum nunc quis commodo condimentum.

Curabitur gravida scelerisque nunc quis semper. Vivamus eu metus quis quam volutpat viverra ac ut odio. Phasellus volutpat tristique consequat. Nunc vitae nisl et magna rhoncus sollicitudin. Vestibulum posuere augue et nisi ultricies, vel condimentum ante consectetur. Ut at tellus a nisi dictum lobortis auctor scelerisque dui.

1 comment

    Ayden Dibbert

    October 14, 2019

    Rerum qui eum ut ea facilis recusandae voluptatem minus. Ut sint omnis sunt in doloremque. Nostrum reprehenderit ut earum voluptatem. Maecenas dignissim risus pulvinar bibendum euismod. Integer at porttitor eros, finibus facilisis nisl. Ut porta, elit nec ullamcorper rhoncus, libero diam luctus turpis, eu tristique orci metus a lectus. Donec dignissim id nulla in consectetur. Duis dui turpis, convallis quis sodales nec, auctor at justo. Nam pellentesque velit interdum ipsum rutrum, sit amet interdum augue aliquam. Nulla pretium varius hendrerit. Placeat quasi deserunt quia porro et. Eos laudantium quis porro. Exercitationem eveniet vel optio repellat non. Nisi harum possimus minus facere magnam et dolores sit. Quisquam optio sit et ratione ut voluptatem eaque. Sint earum ut iusto sit voluptas nulla porro. Nemo modi et facere possimus earum ullam. Voluptates dicta similique quam ex. Facilis deleniti qui tempore.


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  • Masters in Arabic, Cairo University, Egypt

  • 15 years experience teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers
  • Worked in Dubai, Egypt, Online Zoom Classes
  • HRM Certificate
  • ICDL Qualification
  • Experienced Creator & Developer of Arabic Teaching Methods (Arabic Story, ArabPeak)
  • Taught Students of Al Azhar University, Egypt
  • Taught Arabic (1-1 Private online classes) - Sheikh Dr. Saalim al-Azhari, British Board Scholars
    Al-Azhar University,Faculty of Shariah 2016
  • Taught at various Institutes in Dubai & Cairo - Modern Standard Arabic (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced), Islamic Arabic, Fus-ha Classical Arabic
  • Corporate Arabic Language Trainer, JLT
  • Other Languages known - English, French

Free Trial Class - ZOOM Online

Send in a request for a Trial Class with Instructor Eid Saalim and we will get back to you to schedule one soon, in shaa Allah!



    Mr. Eid is an amazing tutor! He has a unique way of breaking things down so they are understandable, keeping it fun and light for beginners 😊 As a student, you feel pushed to learn and try out new competencies, feel safe and supported in doing so and gain valuable feedback that helps you to improve. Would highly recommend his classes to anyone looking to learn Arabic ✨ - SANDHYA


    Indian, residing in Dubai

    Mr. Eid is a brilliant teacher and we thoroughly enjoy his lessons. He makes it very interactive and is very patient in explaining any questions we have. The lessons are very curated, and it makes it easy for any beginner to get a very good grasp of the language. We are very glad to have found a good مدرس (teacher) like him 😊

    Umm Aadam

    Indian, residing in UK

    Ustadh Eid Saalim's ARABPEAK program is, in my personal experience, by far the best and most practical course to learn Conversational Arabic, both for adults and kids alike! One of the biggest differences in his way of teaching is that he focuses mainly on the VOCABULARY first! Like the natural way to learn any language, vocabulary comes first and then subsequently he begins teaching important grammar rules while practicing the vocabulary we have learned in previous lessons. This makes it so motivating because even without having knowledge of complex grammar rules, we are able to hold basic conversations and answer questions completely in Arabic from just the first few classes! As an added advantage, the ArabPeak Book, Quizlet app, as well as his YouTube videos really help make it easy to memorize and practice both the vocabulary and conversation sentences! I have improved greatly in my Arabic conversational ability in a short span of 6 months of studying with him and in shaa Allah hope to be able to speak and understand the language fluently by the end of the program in shaa Allah! I highly recommend these lessons with Ustadh Eid Saalim! - Umm Aadam, UK

    Nazma Akter

    Quran Teacher Belgium

    شكرا جزيلا يا أستاذ
    For being so interactive with us that the concepts that seem to difficult learning arabic language begin without Arabic grammar.You prove it begins without any grammar to feel easy and and grammar automatically applicable with practice all lessons.I really enjoyed taking your courses & enjoyed getting to know more about the Arabic language. You were very good at telling your students when things were due and where to find all the material needed to correctly answer the questions you asked.
    Ma shaa Allah
    Barakallahu feek
    Nazma Akter
    Quran teacher

    Sajida Naufal

    Residing in the UAE

    I highly recommend Teacher Eid Saalim's program for spoken Arabic. It is a unique program that is well structured, clear and easy for beginners to speak the arabic language confidently in a very short time. It focusses on learning arabic with everyday phrases and natural conversations rather than heavily focusing on just grammar. Each level in this program is meticulously planned to build vocabulary sytematically and promote fluency. The students can feel their confidency increase as they progress through the different levels.
    The teacher is highly engaging, systematic in his approach and motivates his students to bring out the best in them. He uses a variety of techniques such as quizzes ,games and videos to strengthen retention of new vocabulary learnt. The Quizlet app is especially useful for learners to practice their lessons on the go. The teacher's dedication and commitment to the arabic language and his students is highly commendable. My classes with teacher Eid Saalim has been such a wondeful opportunity to learn this beautiful language with clarity and ease. We look forward to every new session and always leave the class with so much more knowledge and renewed confidence. So grateful to learn from a wonderful teacher and I'll urge all students of arabic language to benefit from Mr. Saalim's experience , expertise and his truly amazing ,one of a kind arabic curriculum!
    Sajida Naufal,



    Mr. Eid’s classes are very interactive and interesting. He encourages the students to start having conversations and allows them to make mistakes. His study materials are very structured and make learning really easy!

    Umm Iman
    Indian, residing in Dubai

    As salaam alaikum rahmatullahi wa barakathuhu I am Umm Iman It's been only few months with Ustadh Eid Saalim for learning Arabic language. I embarked on this beautiful journey of learning arabic from level two with him. May Allah bless and preserve Ustadh Eid Saalim... ameen Within no time in just few weeks of lessons with him, I have developed and evolved way beyond with this language. The teaching style and the book designed is just amazing and aids to understanding at different level. Ohh, the quizlet, videos on YouTube and other assited tools are just another way of help provided to play, have fun and learn the language. One can enjoy this learning just sitting on the couch or wherever you are waiting for something. Just take the mobile and revise what you did and get hang of the arabic anywhere and anytime. I must say the overall learning experience is just awesome and only Allah can reward for such efforts and excellence that is put through by Ustadh Eid Saalim. May Allah keep you progressing Ustadh Eid Saalim and give you highest station in Jannah with righteous for teaching me the beautiful language of the QUR'AN. Ameen